IDX - The Jakarta Stock Exchange

"This bussiness [stock market] is not about investing in great companies, it's about profiting from inefficiently priced stocks and biased information."
"We do know nothing. Accept losses when small."

Trading & investment formula:

  • Transcendental Objective - happier, wealthier, peak performance *make money*
  • Passion - behind the bussiness : people, program and perception
  • Research - Data [who, what, when], process [why], application [how]
  • Action - nippy / patient, follow / contrary
  • Control - emotions; fear / greed, managing inflection
  • Evaluation [the edge] - the information + the insider + timing skills as a trader.
"Remain confident - the opportunities never stop."

Transcendental Objective

The main reason to get in the market. Apa tujuan utama, alasan atau motif berinvestasi?
  • Make money
  • Mengambil peluang profit instan - berdagang
  • Mengambil peluang profit jangka menengah - spekulasi
  • Bekerja, beraktivitas mengisi waktu luang - bermain saham, player
  • Monitoring pergerakan harga saham - observasi pasar, broker
  • Mencari peluang profit jangka panjang - investasi
  • Mencari kesibukan - bisnis
  • Menguji keahlian
  • Ikut-ikutan, terpengaruh atau dipengaruhi


Profit is fringe benefit. Passion for achieved target.  
Passion to know behind the market movement: 
people, program and perception. 
Personality profiling.

“ I feel my success comes from my love of the markets. I am not a casual trader. It is my life. I have a passion for trading. It is not merely a hobby or even a career choice for me. There is no question that this is what I am supposed to do with my life.” -ED SEYKOTA-


1. Information [Data] listening and screening
* Who?
Investor <---> day-trader
Insider <---> speculator.
* What?
Fact <---> opinion
News <---> rumours
Volume / price, Tools ( TA, FA, CA )
* When?
Trading time [early <---> last]
Market timing [seasonal bull <---> bear]

2. Process
* Why? Plot Price-Action [swing trading] & Trend.

3. Application
* How? Adjustment TA - Personal corridor (Support & Resistance)

Action !

Execution not should be perfection. Skilful :
nippy <---> patience.
follow <---> contrary


We can't control what the market does, but we can Control reaction & emotion to the market:
 reaction : ride winners , cut losses
emotion : fear <---> greed

" Don’t ever average losses. Decrease your trading volume when you are doing poorly; increase your volume when you are trading well. Never trade in situations where you don’t have control, e.g., in front of a major economic report.

If you have a losing position that is making you uncomfortable, get out, because you can always get back in. There is nothing better than a fresh start.

Don’t be too concerned about where you got into a position. The only relevant question is whether you are bullish or bearish on the position that day . . . . Who cares where I was long from? That has no relevance to whether the market environtment is bullish or bearish right now, or to the risk/reward balance of a long position at the moment.

The most important rule of trading is to play great defense, not great offense. Every day I assume the position I have is wrong. [If my position] are going against me, then I have a game plan for getting out.

Don’t be a hero. Don’t have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability. Don’t ever feel you are very good. The second you do, you are dead." -PAUL TUDOR JONES-

Evaluation (the edge)

Combines the information + the insider + timing skills as a trader (investor).